Sunday, April 19, 2009

Poscards from far away

after i opened the pack of watercolor yesterday,surprisingly i can't get enough of them
i made two postcards for my friends,one named Tata,she's my junior high school best friend and currently live in Indonesia,and another one named Mutia,she's both my junior high school and high school friend currently live in South Korea
i made a portrait of them from their Facebook profile picture and the picture turn out -not surprisingly- sucked and did not look like them at all
sorry,i am baaaad for drawing real people
i'll post it on Tuesday,because tomorrow is my day off college

anybody want one too?

Mu,Ta,i hope you like it,and if you don't,please don't throw it away
just put it in the deepest corner of your drawer should be fine :)

oh,also i plan to make one for my baby sister for her birthday at April 23th

i am imagining God says this to me,"Ehm,girl,do you know what else you could make with your own hand and due at April 23th too? YOUR HUMAN COMPUTER INTERACTION ASSIGNMENT! so stop fooling around making painting and get your lazy-ass in front of your laptop and start making that report!"
although i know that God is gentle and kind so He won't said anything cruel like that,but yeah,He has a point
i am such a lazy-ass


acilalala said...

gue mau gue mau gue mau
bikinin dong anin
muwah muwah muwah!!
gue pajang deh di papan item2 gue dikamar, ga gue taro di tempat yg ga keliatan orang

acilalala said...

eh ko postinganlo ada yg diapus sih ada apa ada apa? gue br liat di dashboard padahal hehe

Anïnditá said...

hehehehe nggak becanda aciil
iya nanti kalo udah agak senggang gue bikinin ya muah~
hehe gak diapus kok,cuma masuh draft lagi aja hehe

AUSI said...

buatin gua donggg ntar gue pajang dehh ihihihihih

Anïnditá said...


Mutia said...

aku sangat terharu..
kamu bikin postcard sendiri :D
tentu tidak akan kubuang.. akan kupajang di meja belajarku..

udah dikirim blom dit? :D

Anïnditá said...

belom! haha begok gue lupa mulu bawa ke kampus buat diposin
besok ya besok :D

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