Sunday, May 24, 2009

Before science exists, it is possible for the Moon to be made of white cheese

I never consider myself a nerd, or a geek
simply because i never enjoy studying in whatever form
but sometimes i just found myself drowning in some weird topic for quite a long time
like this afternoon, i read all the articles i could found in Google about "Ida" fossil, the famous missing link that connect human with any other mammals in evolution chain (All hail Darwin), on the internet for about 30 minutes in the middle of my study for tomorrow exam
i found it interesting and amusing and it really distract me from studying
i guess i'm gonna browsing about it more tonight
(It's huge,guys! Google even make its logo looks like the fossil at May 20th and People Magazine considers it to be on its cover, making it the first non alive creature to be on the cover!
It will be on the school text books for the next 100 years!
I'm over excited,i think i need help,no ?!)

or when people said "It's possible,you can do it"
my inner brain automatically thing how ironic that is because most people don't know that Possibility is 3 times nearer to the Impossible rather than to Certainty, based on Degree of Belief in Expert System
see ? See?
i blabber about weird topic
i guess sometimes i'm a little nerd

Two more final exams and i'll be coming home at Saturday
Just a short holiday,only for 2 weeks, and most of the times i'll be doing short course in PHP languange for the preparation of my final year project
damn i'm old


AUSI said...

yakk dibahas loooh possible, impossible, certain, hahahaha AI membuatmu berubah dit hahahaha

Anïnditá said...

iye gimana dong
(racun lawannya madu di lagu dangdut loh hihiihi)

acilalala said...

haha gapapa dit jadi nerd, nerd is the new emo (kata siapa?)
gue pernah tu di ceramahin panjaaaaaaaaaang banget sama guru sma gue namanya bu teo soal missing link tp gue dengerin lagu soalnya dia ngomong smangat banget sambil tereak2 kaya acara di rcti itu loh yg bacain injil.
ntar lo aja ya yg ceritain ke gua,
ga pake tereak2 haha

Anïnditá said...

hihihihi okee deh nanti gue yg crita ttg missing link,asik loh
namanya teo lagi,kayak guru mmu hehe

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