Friday, July 17, 2009

Blowing Kisses for the Hungers

i just found out tonight about this delightful non-profit organization called Free Rice
They give you sets of questions with multiple choice answers
you play it,and every time your answer is correct you donate 10 grains of rice through UN to fight hunger
10 grains may seems not that much,but with a thousand more people playing at the same time with you,it can total up for quite a number
at first i don't really believe that we can donate rice that easily,so i read through the FAQ
they are pretty impressive,since they began at 2007 until today they already donated 66,266,553,170 grains of rice
Click here to start playing

The questions come in many various subjects like English vocab and grammar,Chemistry, Math, Foreign Languange like French,German, and so many more
Each subjects have hundreds of questions divided into 70 levels based on its difficulty,so i guess you'll never run out of questions

Stop drowning in Facebook or Youtube for a while and play it for maybe 5-10 questions,that'll change a lot
Let's do something beautiful together today,shall we?


AUSI said...

iya niih baik bgt yaa? waktu itu gue juga main yg air, jadi terharu bisa nyumbang sesuatu cuma dari jawab soal. yes!

Anindita said...

iya :-)
ternyata ada juga ya orang baik hehe *cieh lebai

acilalala said...

hihih gue juga suka ni diit jawab2 ini haha eh bukannya ada elo ya yg pas kita maen ada ana muthe jg? xixixi
tp seru ya ada aja idenya bagoooss

Anindita said...

iya seruu haha

Anonymous said...

kak, mau ke bangkok ya?

Anindita said...

iyooo, knapa emg?
kamu kalo isi komen pake nama kek
kan ada pilihannya yg name/url
isi aja namanya,urlnya kosongin aja gt gpp hahahaha

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