I watched the booming movie,Twilight on friday night and my review are :
1.The main actor is extremely (dangerously) hot,yes now i know why the girls screaming for him
2.The cinema's caramel popcorn is the best dude,nothing compared to it,not even close
That's it
No compliment for the storyline though
When I first read the synopsis from the novel i thought it will be much more deep dark myth stories about vampire history,and their war with another vampire clan
but,when i watched it,it's a complete love story
yes,just like another teen movies
so,in the other night,i tried to watch a real good movie
I watched Paris Je t'aime. It got nominated in several awards so i thought to gave it a shot
I want to watch it mainly because of Natalie Portman on it
but,holy shit,she only appeared for just like,3 minutes !
The story is about many,many,different kinds of love stories that took place in Paris
Kinda like Love Actually movie,but with sooooo many more people in it
there's a love a story between a guy and a moslem lady (yes i feel a little joy seeing a mosque in Paris),and Natalie Portman and her blind boyfriend,Elijah Wood and his vampire girlfriend (yes yes vampire!),a father and a daughter,a two complete strangers,a couple of funny mimes (they're my favorite couple),a cheating husband that fell in love back again with his dying wife,and many more
But i don't really watch the ending because i,ehm,hard to say,
fell asleepso yeah,go figure out how the movie was
And then tonight,at 2 am i watch an Indonesian movie, Cinta Silver
i did it just for fun,knowing that Christian Sugiono played on it
but guess what ? it ended up becoming my favorite movie of the week
because of Christian's quote that i adore so so much (It is not really a quote,it is just a normal conversation but i think it's so beautiful that i categorized it as quote)
He said :
lo tau nggak kenapa gue masih pake kamera FM2 gue padahal gue udah punya yang digital?
soalnya FM2 tuh pake film seluloid
nah di film itu ada lapisan peraknya yg gabisa digantiin sama digital
nah lapisan itu yg bikin foto gue lebih hidup,punya napas,punya nyawa
ya itu yang bikin gue nyaman.Lev
terserah orang mau bilang gue kuno,jatuh cinta sama lapisan perak
kalo ada yg nyaman pake digital ya terserah
cinta juga kayak begitu,LevDUH ! it's so nice of him talking about analog camera!
and just for curiosity,i (of course) googled for the ultimate Nikon FM2 that he mentioned before
perfect beauty :)