Monday, March 9, 2009

Older Lover Undercover

Life's been such a roller coaster lately
after an amazing weekend night and great concert,Cinderella had to wake up to the reality that she is still a maid
not that i'm a Cinderella or anything (also there was no such thing as concert in her era,considering the fact that the only music was only from her singing along with a bunch of birds and mice),it's just an analogy
but despite being a maid,i woke up facing assignments and midterms exams,or in other word,the real world
but i've started swimming again,and this time,in the morning
and it feels nice
also the fact that i'm waiting for one bag and two clothes to arrive is nice also :)
online shopping is such a money-robbing whore and i wonder why we addicted to it lately
midterm break holiday that will be coming in 10 days is nice also
my little brother gave an offline message on msn yesterday,giving me a link to an online comic,which is a nice story
and there is a conversation between a wife and her photographer husband like this :

Wife : why are you so set on using film ? you can't retake shots on film
Husband : Hmm ? One of the joy of taking pictures is not knowing exactly what kind of photography you're taking
but then you put it in some developing solution and gradually you'll be able to see the pictures
Of course you'll make mistakes too but sometimes you come across something good
something better that you expected

aah,so nice knowing i have one other reason to keep loving films
but the Wednesday's exam is not so nice actually
guess what,too many nice things without even a single suck-ness is a plain boring,yes? *giggle
okay off to bed

oh oh
you know what else is super nice?

my new desktop background!

I know you're fond of hat ,Mr.Mraz(or at least that what you've written on my original T-shirt of yours)but your messy hair definitely need to be photographed a little bit more often
oh what the heck,yes i am a fangirl

P.S : I just find out that Michael Jackson will do a comeback tour! I know you'll raise your eyebrows,but come on,who doesn't love the fenomenal "Black or White" with people faces keep changing in the video clip? or, or Thriller? Oh Gosh,Thriller!
I do love it,a hell lot


acilalala said...

haha bagus dit desktopnya imut2 gimana gitchuu
eh hihi gila ya emang kita ga boleh deh sering2 buka2 link2 tu blog2 bisa gawat gue jatuh miskin sok2 beli baju dua pdahal makan aja sulit *lebay

Anïnditá said...

ih kok imut-imut sih itu HOT ABIS taugak sih
iya nih huaha kita belanja sama jalan muluu tiap wiken bisa bangkrut nih lama-lama :(

AUSI said...

iya dit si maikel emang mau kambek, terus keliling dunia gituu ga kebayang deh gua takut dia pingsan terus mati di panggung gitu hehehe

Anïnditá said...

ehehehe ih kenapaa sih
maikel kan COOOOOOLLL taugaksiihh

Mutia said...

ih dita kok samaan ya kita. ahhaha.. internet shopping itu bikin ketagihan. apalagi di sini ada website khusus anaknya ebay gitu.. xD

Anonymous said...

iya banget! apalagi kan kalo belanja online ga berasa ngeluarin duit
tau-tau tabungan tiris aja gitu EHEHEHE :p

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