Tuesday, March 3, 2009


the one gloomy post before this,it's over
somehow,i made peace,i'm coming home for midterm break
Jason Mraz concert for tomorrow,and getting home for March 20
and i don't feel even a tiny bit of excitement
oh,how dear all five assignments,i curse you

it's getting cold each day since it's always raining cats and dogs
while cold weather means sleeping's getting more comfortable,i hate the fact that i turn to skip class when i couldn't get myself out of bed

you know what else i hate?
someone copied my blogging style


derisaerlinada said...

duhh siapa sihh yg suka ngopi blogging style lo? pnasaran deh ih gw dit beneraann. sampe gw kirim message kan ke elo wkt itu? hahahaha...
asik asik ntar bertemu2 ya jgn sampe ga jadiiii.. :D

Anindita said...

iyaaaaaaaa jgn sampe gjdi elo jgn sibuk-sibuk dong ehe ehe

AUSI said...

siape lagi yg ngopi dit? sm ky dulu? ahaha dasar lu made peace and left me here hikssssss pembelottttt awas lu ga bawa oleh2 dr jktt

acilalala said...

bojeeeeee mau ksini yaaaaaaa hehe
ih si dita udah sok2 ngambek sama ayah eh malah pulang huhu kamu meninggalkan kami chuchuchu kaya ausi mau meninggalkan mamam fondue huhuh ehh diit sapa yg ngopi?? jadi inget mas2 cakep di starbak *loh

Anindita said...

iya ausi pembelot meninggalkan kita makan fondue ! HUH
HAHA yuu kita ke starbucks lagi ketemu si mas itu hahaha

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