Sunday, March 15, 2009

Plunge baby plunge

who/what inspires you/random people on the street,random lines on movies and songs
what is your dream occupation/freelance artist,writer,art director,editor in chief
what is your biggest dream/the ones i keep praying to God 5 times a day,He knows exactly what are they
what clothes do you prefer/the good ones,the flattering ones
what do you do when you're alone/writing,drawing,reading blogs
what are you doing right now/study,i guess
people you want to meet/for now? people who can help me pursue my career,although people back home are important to meet also
recent obsession/mastering Thriller Dance! that's the coolest dance ever made!
who are you? Anindita Arianti Putri

i'm in love with turquoise and light pink,i really think all pool should be dyed pink

I'm having quiz this Tuesday and it's about new programming language called CLIPS in Expert System Class
it's not as hard as C++,but because i always dozed off on its tutorial classes (or googling for Indonesian TV-Star Gunawan,because one of my classmate looks like him and i want to take a close look between them two) i successfully am falling behind everybody else
so today i start over,learn from the beginning of tutorial 1,reading every line from the textbook
or so the plan
i just had lunch about 2 hours ago and now i already craving something to chew
oh damn you never-satisfied-appetite!
maybe i'll go make Nutrijell jelly first and then study


acilalala said...

kan udah mau dapet dit jadi mamam terus hiihhi *alibi*

btw itu potonyee gue merem2 belah tengah... -__-

Anïnditá said...

asik kan
gaya masa kini bgd tau belah tengah :D

acilalala said...

klo gtu lo ngampus belah tengah yah biar gaya

Anïnditá said...

ah nanti orang-orang pada naksir gawat dong

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